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Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.

--Benjamin Disraeli


QuanEstimation.jl: An open-source Julia framework for quantum parameter estimation

Huai-Ming Yu and Jing Liu

arXiv: 2405.12066.


Optimal Phase Estimation in Finite-dimensional Fock Space

Jin-Feng Qin, Yuqian Xu, and Jing Liu



Quantum-enhanced weak absorption estimation with correlated photons

Zhucheng Zhang, Xue Zhang, Jing Liu, and Hui Dong


Advantage of quantum coherence in postselected metrology

Shao-Jie Xiong, Peng-Fei Wei, Huang-Qiu-Chen Wang, Lei Shao, Yong-Nan Sun, Jing Liu, Zhe Sun, and Xiao-Guang Wang




37. Quantum metrology enhanced by leveraging informative noise with error correction

Hongzhen Chen, Yu Chen, Jing Liu, Zibo Miao, and Haidong Yuan

Physical Review Letters xx, xx (2024).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: H. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Miao, and H. Yuan, Phys. Rev. Lett. xx, xx (2024).

36. Quantum dynamic response-based NV-diamond magnetometry: Robustness to decoherence and applications in motion detection of magnetic nanoparticles

Wenkui Ding, Xingyu Zhang, Jing Liu, Aixi Chen, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review B 110, 045202 (2024).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: W. Ding, X. Zhang, J. Liu, A. Chen, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 110, 045202 (2024).


35. Quantum speed limit for complex dynamics

Mao Zhang, Huai-Ming Yu, and Jing Liu

npj Quantum Information 9, 97 (2023).

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Cite it: M. Zhang, H.-M. Yu, and J. Liu, npj Quantum Inf. 9, 97 (2023).

34. Lee-Yang zeros and quantum Fisher information matrix in a nonlinear system

Hong Tao, Yuguo Su, Xingyu Zhang, Jing Liu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review E 108, 024104 (2023).

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Cite it: H. Tao, Y. Su, X. Zhang, J. Liu, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 108, 024104 (2023).

33. Direct measurement of quantum Fisher information

Xingyu Zhang, Xiao-Ming Lu, Jing Liu, Wenkui Ding, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 107, 012414 (2023).

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Cite it: X. Zhang, X.-M. Lu, J. Liu, W. Ding, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 107, 012414 (2023).


32. QuanEstimation: An open-source toolkit for quantum parameter estimation

Mao Zhang, Huai-Ming Yu, Haidong Yuan, Xiaoguang Wang, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, and Jing Liu

Physical Review Research 4, 043057 (2022).

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Cite it: X. Zhang, H.-M. Yu, H. Yuan, X. Wang, R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański, and J. Liu, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 043057 (2022).

31. Optimal Scheme for Quantum Metrology

Jing Liu, Mao Zhang, Hongzhen Chen, Lingna Wang, and Haidong Yuan

Advanced Quantum Technologies 5, 2100080 (2022).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, M. Zhang, H. Chen, L. Wang, and H. Yuan, Adv. Quantum Technol. 5, 2100080 (2022).

30. Quantum Magnetometer with Dual-Coupling Optomechanics

Gui-Lei Zhu, Jing Liu, Ying Wu, and Xin-You Lü

Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100636 (2022).

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Cite it: G.-L. Zhu, J. Liu, Y. Wu, and X.-Y. Lü, Laser Photonics Rev. 16, 2100636 (2022).

29. Quantum sensing of supersensitivity for the Ohmic quantum reservoir

Qing-Shou Tan, Wei Wu, Lan Xu, Jing Liu, and Le-Man Kuang

Physical Review A 106, 032602 (2022).

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Cite it: Q.-S. Tan, W. Wu, L. Xu, J. Liu, and L.-M. Kuang, Phys. Rev. A 106, 032602 (2022).


28. Bhatia-Davis formula in the quantum speed limit

Jing Liu, Zibo Miao, Libin Fu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 104, 052432 (2021).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, Z. Miao, L. Fu, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 104, 052432 (2021).

27. Generation and storage of spin squeezing via learning-assisted optimal control

Qing-Shou Tan, Mao Zhang, Yu Chen, Jie-Qiao Liao, and Jing Liu

Physical Review A 103, 032601 (2021).

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Cite it: Q.-S. Tan, M. Zhang, Y. Chen, J.-Q. Liao, and J. Liu, Phys. Rev. A 103, 032601 (2021).

26. Quantum metrology with precision reaching beyond 1/N-scaling through N-probe entanglement-generating interactions

Xing Deng, Shou-Long Chen, Mao Zhang, Xiao-Fan Xu, Jing Liu, Zhi Gao, Xiao-Chun Duan, Min-Kang Zhou, Lushuai Cao, and Zhong-Kun Hu

Physical Review A 104, 012607 (2021).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: X. Deng et al., Phys. Rev. A 104, 012607 (2021).

25. Single-photon-triggered spin squeezing with decoherence reduction in optomechanics via phase matching

Zhucheng Zhang, Lei Shao, Wangjun Lu, Yuguo Su, Yi-Ping Wang, Jing Liu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 104, 053517 (2021).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: Z. Zhang, L. Shao, W. Lu, Y. Su, Y.-P. Wang, J. Liu, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 104, 053517 (2021).

24. Quantum multiparameter estimation and metrology-preface

Animesh Datta, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, and Jing Liu

Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and Theoretical 54, 460301 (2021).

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Cite it: A. Datta, R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański, and J. Liu, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 460301 (2021).

23. Proposal for phase-sensitive heterodyne detection in large-scale passive resonant gyroscopes

Zongyang Li, Kui Liu, Jing Liu, Zehuang Lu, and Jie Zhang

Optics Express 29, 9737-9748 (2021)

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Cite it: Z. Li, K. Liu, J. Liu, Z. Lu, and J. Zhang, Opt. Express 29, 9737 (2021).


22. Quantum Fisher information matrix and multiparameter estimation

Jing Liu, Haidong Yuan, Xiao-Ming Lu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53, 023001 (2020).

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Cite it: J. Liu, H. Yuan, X.-M. Lu, and X. Wang, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 023001 (2020).

  • 2022 IOP Publishing China Top Cited Paper Award

  • ESI highly Cited Paper (2020-2030)

21. Operational definition of a quantum speed limit

Yanyan Shao, Bo Liu, Mao Zhang, Haidong Yuan, and Jing Liu

Physical Review Research 2, 023299 (2020).

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Cite it: Y. Shao, B. Liu, M. Zhang, H. Yuan, and J. Liu, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 023299 (2020).


20. Multiqubit matter-wave interferometry under decoherence and the Heisenberg scaling recovery

Yanming Che, Jing Liu, Xiao-Ming Lu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 99, 033807 (2019).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: Y. Che, J. Liu, X.-M. Lu, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 99, 033807 (2019).


19. Maximal quantum Fisher information for phase estimation without initial parity

Xu Yu, Xiang Zhao, Luyi Shen, Yanyan Shao, Jing Liu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Optics Express 26, 016292 (2018).

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Cite it: X. Yu, X. Zhao, L. Shen, Y. Shao, J. Liu, and X. Wang, Opt. Express 26, 016292 (2018).


18. Quantum parameter estimation with optimal control

Jing Liu and Haidong Yuan

Physical Review A 96, 012117 (2017).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu and H. Yuan, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012117 (2017).

17. Control-enhanced multiparameter quantum estimation

Jing Liu and Haidong Yuan

Physical Review A 96, 042114 (2017).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu and H. Yuan, Phys. Rev. A 96, 042114 (2017).


16. Valid lower bound for all estimators in quantum parameter estimation

Jing Liu and Haidong Yuan

New Journal of Physics 18, 093009 (2016).

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Cite it: J. Liu and H. Yuan, New J. Phys. 18, 093009 (2016).

15. Quantum multiparameter metrology with generalized entangled coherent state

Jing Liu, Xiao-Ming Lu, Zhe Sun, and Xiaoguang Wang

Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and Theoretical 49, 115302 (2016).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu and H. Yuan, New J. Phys. 18, 093009 (2016).

14. Quantum Fisher information and symmetric logarithmic derivative via anti-commutators

Jing Liu, Jie Chen, Xiao-Xing Jing, and Xiaoguang Wang

Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and Theoretical 49, 275302 (2016).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, J. Chen, X.-X. Jing, and X. Wang, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 275302 (2016).


13. Quantum metrology with unitary parametrization processes

Jing Liu, Xiao-Xing Jing, and Xiaoguang Wang

Scientific Reports 5, 8565 (2015).

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Cite it: J. Liu, X.-X. Jing, and X. Wang, Sci. Rep. 5, 8565 (2015).

12. Quantifying non-Markovianity for a chromophore-qubit pair in a super-Ohmic bath

Jing Liu, Kewei Sun, Xiaoguang Wang, and Yang Zhao

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 8087-8096 (2015).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, K. Sun, X. Wang, and Y. Zhao, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 8087 (2015).

11. Maximal quantum Fisher information for general su(2) parametrization processes

Xiao-Xing Jing, Jing Liu, Heng-Na Xiong, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 92, 012312 (2015)

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Cite it: X.-X. Jing, J. Liu, H.-N. Xiong, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 92, 012312 (2015).

10. Quantum speed limits in open systems: Non-Markovian dynamics without rotating-wave approximation

Zhe Sun, Jing Liu, Jian Ma, and Xiaoguang Wang

Scientific Reports 5, 8444 (2015).

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Cite it: Z. Sun, J. Liu, J. Ma, and X. Wang, Sci. Rep. 5, 8444 (2015).

9. Dynamics of bipartite and tripartite entanglement in a dissipative system of continuous variables

Yang Zhao, Fulu Zheng, Jing Liu, and Yao Yao

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 423, 80-96 (2015).

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Cite it: Y. Zhao, F. Zheng, J. Liu, and Y. Yao, Physica A 423, 80 (2015).


8. Quantum Fisher Information for Density Matrices with Arbitrary Ranks

Jing Liu, Xiao-Xing Jing, and Xiaoguang Wang

Communications in Theoretical Physics 61, 45 (2014).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, X.-X. Jing, and X. Wang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 61, 45 (2014).

7. Fidelity susceptibility and quantum Fisher information for density operators with arbitrary ranks

Jing Liu, Heng-Na Xiong, Fei Song, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 410, 167 (2014).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, H.-N. Xiong, F. Song, and X. Wang, Physica A 410, 167-173 (2014).

6. Quantum Fisher Information of Entangled Coherent States in a Lossy Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

Xiao-Xing Jing, Jing Liu, Wei Zhong, and Xiaoguang Wang

Communications in Theoretical Physics 61, 115 (2014).

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Cite it: X.-X. Jing, J. Liu, W. Zhong, and X. Wang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 61, 115 (2014).

5. Quantum Fisher information and spin squeezing in one-axis twisting model

Wei Zhong, Jing Liu, Jian Ma and Xiaoguang Wang

Chinese Physics B 23, 060302 (2014).

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Cite it: W. Zhong, J. Liu, J. Ma, and X. Wang, Chin. Phys. B 23, 060302 (2014).

4. Derivation of quantum Chernoff metric with perturbation expansion method

Wei Zhong, Jian Ma, Jing Liu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Chinese Physics B 23, 090305 (2014).

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Cite it: W. Zhong, J. Ma, J. Liu, and X. Wang, Chin. Phys. B 23, 090305 (2014).


3. Phase-matching condition for enhancement of phase sensitivity in quantum metrology

Jing Liu, Xiao-Xing Jing, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 88, 042316 (2013).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, X.-X. Jing, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 88, 042316 (2013).

2. Nonunital non-Markovianity of quantum dynamics

Jing Liu, Xiao-Ming Lu, and Xiaoguang Wang

Physical Review A 87, 042103 (2013).

Publisher page | arXiv |

Cite it: J. Liu, X.-M. Lu, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. A 87, 042103 (2013).


1. Fidelity and fidelity susceptibility based on Hilbert-Schmidt inner product

Jing Liu, Xiao-Ming Lu, Jian Ma, and Xiaoguang Wang

Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 55, 1529-1534 (2012).

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Cite it: J. Liu, X.-M. Lu, J. Ma, and X. Wang, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 55, 1529 (2012).