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Run the command in the terminal to install QuanEstimation:

pip install quanestimation
The users can also run
git clone
to install the latest development version of QuanEstimation from Github.

import Pkg
If the users want to install the package via a Julia mirror, please click here for usage.


QuanEstimation requires several open-source packages in Python and Julia. The versions of Python and Julia should be above 3.10 and 1.10, respectively.

Python packages

\(~~~~~~~~~~~\)Package\(~~~~~~~\) Version
numpy >=1.22
sympy >=1.10
scipy >=1.8
cvxpy >=1.2
more-itertools >=8.12.0

Julia packages

\(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)Package\(~~~~~~~~~~~~\) Version \(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\)Package\(~~~~~~~~~~~~\) Version
LinearAlgebra -- BoundaryValueDiffEq 2.7.2
Zygote 0.6.37 SCS 0.8.1
Convex 0.14.18 Trapz 2.0.3
ReinforcementLearning 0.10.0 Interpolations 0.13.5
IntervalSets 0.5.4 SparseArrays --
Flux 0.12.4 DelimitedFiles --
StatsBase 0.33.16 Random --
Printf -- StableRNGs --
Distributions -- QuadGK --
DifferentialEquations --

The version information of the packages without the version number is the same with the corresponding packages in Julia 1.10. Besides, the version information of the full Julia package is also the same as the table above. All of these packages will be automatically installed when the users install QuanEstimation.