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Adaptive measurement schemes

In QuanEstimation, the Hamiltonian of the adaptive system should be written as \(H(\textbf{x}+\textbf{u})\) with \(\textbf{x}\) the unknown parameters and \(\textbf{u}\) the tunable parameters. The tunable parameters \(\textbf{u}\) are used to let the Hamiltonian work at the optimal point \(\textbf{x}_{\mathrm{opt}}\). In this scenario, the adaptive estimation can be excuted through

apt = Adapt(x, p, rho0, method="FOP", savefile=False, 
            max_episode=1000, eps=1e-8)
apt.dynamics(tspan, H, dH, Hc=[], ctrl=[], decay=[], 
apt.CFIM(M=[], W=[]) 
where x is a list of arrays representing the regime of the parameters for the integral, p is an array representing the prior distribution, it is multidimensional for multiparameter estimation.rho0 is the density matrix of the probe state. The number of iterations can be set via max_episode with the default value 1000. eps represents the machine epsilon which defaults to \(10^{-8}\). At the end of the program, three files "pout.npy", "xout.npy", and "y.npy"
including the posterior distributions, the estimated values and the experimental results will be generated. The package contains two mothods for updating the tunable parameters. The first one is updating the tunable parameters with a fix optimal point (mtheod="FOP"), which is the default method in QuanEstimation. The other is method="MI" which means updating the tunable parameters by maximizing the mutual information which is defined as

\[\begin{equation} I(\textbf{u})=\int\mathrm{p}(\textbf{x}) \sum_{y}\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})\mathrm{log}_2 \left[\frac{\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})}{\int\mathrm{p}(\textbf{x})\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})\mathrm{d}\textbf{x}}\right]\mathrm{d}\textbf{x}. \end{equation}\]

If savefile=True, these files will be generated during the training and "pout.npy" will save all the posterior distributions, otherwise, the posterior distribution in the final iteration will be saved.

Adapt(x, p, rho0, tspan, H, dH; dyn_method=:Expm, method="FOP", 
      savefile=false, max_episode=1000, eps=1e-8, Hc=missing, 
      ctrl=missing, decay=missing, M=missing, W=missing)
where x is a list of arrays representing the regime of the parameters for the integral, p is an array representing the prior distribution, it is multidimensional for multiparameter estimation.rho0 is the density matrix of the probe state. The number of iterations can be set via max_episode with the default value 1000. eps represents the machine epsilon which defaults to \(10^{-8}\). At the end of the program, three files "pout.csv", "xout.csv", and "y.csv"
including the posterior distributions, the estimated values and the experimental results will be generated. The package contains two mothods for updating the tunable parameters. The first one is updating the tunable parameters with a fix optimal point (mtheod="FOP"), which is the default method in QuanEstimation. The other is method="MI" which means updating the tunable parameters by maximizing the mutual information which is defined as

\[\begin{equation} I(\textbf{u})=\int\mathrm{p}(\textbf{x}) \sum_{y}\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})\mathrm{log}_2 \left[\frac{\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})}{\int\mathrm{p}(\textbf{x})\mathrm{p}(y|\textbf{x},\textbf{u})\mathrm{d}\textbf{x}}\right]\mathrm{d}\textbf{x}. \end{equation}\]

If savefile=true, these files will be generated during the training and "pout.csv" will save all the posterior distributions, otherwise, the posterior distribution in the final iteration will be saved.

If the dynamics of the system can be described by the master equation, then the dynamics data tspan, H, and dH shoule be input. tspan is the time length for the evolution, H and dH are multidimensional lists representing the Hamiltonian and its derivatives with respect to the unknown parameters to be estimated, they can be generated via

H, dH = BayesInput(x, func, dfunc, channel="dynamics")
H, dH = BayesInput(x, func, dfunc; channel="dynamics")

Here func and dfunc are the functions defined by the users which return H and dH, respectively. Futhermore, for the systems with noise and controls, the variables decay, Hc and ctrl should be input. Here Hc and ctrl are two lists representing the control Hamiltonians and the corresponding control coefficients. decay contains decay operators \((\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2, \cdots)\) and the corresponding decay rates \((\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \cdots)\) with the input rule decay=[[\(\Gamma_1\), \(\gamma_1\)], [\(\Gamma_2\), \(\gamma_2\)],...].

The objective function for adaptive measurement are CFI and \(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{I}^ {-1})\) with \(\mathcal{I}\) the CFIM. W is the weight matrix which defaults to the identity matrix.

If the parameterization is implemented with the Kraus operators, the codes become

apt = Adapt(x, p, rho0, method="FOP", savefile=False,  
            max_episode=1000, eps=1e-8)
apt.Kraus(K, dK)               
apt.CFIM(M=[], W=[]) 
Adapt(x, p, rho0, K, dK; method="FOP", savefile=false, 
      max_episode=1000, eps=1e-8, Hc=missing, ctrl=missing, 
      decay=missing, M=missing, W=missing)


K, dK = BayesInput(x, func, dfunc, channel="Kraus")
K, dK = BayesInput(x, func, dfunc; channel="Kraus")

where K and dK are the Kraus operators and its derivatives with respect to the unknown parameters.

Example 9.1
The Hamiltonian of a qubit system is \begin{align} H=\frac{B\omega_0}{2}(\sigma_1\cos{x}+\sigma_3\sin{x}), \end{align}

where \(B\) is the magnetic field in the XZ plane, \(x\) is the unknown parameter and \(\sigma_{1}\), \(\sigma_{3}\) are the Pauli matrices.

The probe state is taken as \(|\pm\rangle\). The measurement is \(\{|\!+\rangle\langle+\!|,|\!-\rangle\langle-\!|\}\). Here \(|\pm\rangle:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle\pm|1\rangle)\) with \(|0\rangle\) \((|1\rangle)\) the eigenstate of \(\sigma_3\) with respect to the eigenvalue \(1\) \((-1)\). In this example, the prior distribution \(p(x)\) is uniform.

from quanestimation import *
import numpy as np
import random

# initial state
rho0 = 0.5 * np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
# free Hamiltonian
B, omega0 = 0.5 * np.pi, 1.0
sx = np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]])
sy = np.array([[0., -1.j], [1.j, 0.]]) 
sz = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]])
H0_func = lambda x: 0.5*B*omega0*(sx*np.cos(x[0])+sz*np.sin(x[0]))
# derivative of free Hamiltonian in x
dH_func = lambda x: [0.5*B*omega0*(-sx*np.sin(x[0])+sz*np.cos(x[0]))]
# measurement
M1 = 0.5*np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
M2 = 0.5*np.array([[1., -1.], [-1., 1.]])
M = [M1, M2]
# time length for the evolution
tspan = np.linspace(0., 1., 1000)
# prior distribution
x = np.linspace(-0.25*np.pi+0.1, 3.0*np.pi/4.0-0.1, 1000)
p = (1.0/(x[-1]-x[0]))*np.ones(len(x))
# dynamics
rho = [np.zeros((len(rho0), len(rho0)), dtype=np.complex128) for \
       i in range(len(x))]
for xi in range(len(x)):
    H_tp = H0_func([x[xi]])
    dH_tp = dH_func([x[xi]])
    dynamics = Lindblad(tspan, rho0, H_tp, dH_tp)
    rho_tp, drho_tp = dynamics.expm()
    rho[xi] = rho_tp[-1]
# Bayesian estimation
y = [0 for i in range(500)]
res_rand = random.sample(range(0, len(y)), 125)
for i in range(len(res_rand)):
    y[res_rand[i]] = 1
pout, xout = Bayes([x], p, rho, y, M=M, estimator="MAP", savefile=False)
# generation of H and dH
H, dH = BayesInput([x], H0_func, dH_func, channel="dynamics")
# adaptive measurement
apt = Adapt([x], pout, rho0, method="FOP", savefile=False, 
            max_episode=100, eps=1e-8)
apt.dynamics(tspan, H, dH, dyn_method="expm")
apt.CFIM(M=M, W=[])
using QuanEstimation
using Random
using StatsBase

# free Hamiltonian
function H0_func(x)
    return 0.5*B*omega0*(sx*cos(x[1])+sz*sin(x[1]))
# derivative of free Hamiltonian in x
function dH_func(x)
    return [0.5*B*omega0*(-sx*sin(x[1])+sz*cos(x[1]))]

B, omega0 = pi/2.0, 1.0
sx = [0. 1.; 1. 0.0im]
sy = [0. -im; im 0.]
sz = [1. 0.0im; 0. -1.]
# initial state
rho0 = 0.5*ones(2, 2)
# measurement 
M1 = 0.5*[1.0+0.0im  1.; 1.  1.]
M2 = 0.5*[1.0+0.0im -1.; -1.  1.]
M = [M1, M2]
# time length for the evolution
tspan = range(0., stop=1., length=1000) |>Vector
# prior distribution
x = range(-0.25*pi+0.1, stop=3.0*pi/4.0-0.1, length=1000) |>Vector
p = (1.0/(x[end]-x[1]))*ones(length(x))
# dynamics
rho = Vector{Matrix{ComplexF64}}(undef, length(x))
for i = 1:length(x) 
    H0_tp = H0_func(x[i])
    dH_tp = dH_func(x[i])
    rho_tp, drho_tp = QuanEstimation.expm(tspan, rho0, H0_tp, dH_tp)
    rho[i] = rho_tp[end]
# Bayesian estimation
y = [0 for i in 1:500]
res_rand = sample(1:length(y), 125, replace=false)
for i in 1:length(res_rand)
    y[res_rand[i]] = 1
pout, xout = QuanEstimation.Bayes([x], p, rho, y, M=M, estimator="MAP", savefile=false)
# generation of H and dH
H, dH = QuanEstimation.BayesInput([x], H0_func, dH_func; 
# adaptive measurement
QuanEstimation.Adapt([x], pout, rho0, tspan, H, dH; M=M, dyn_method=:Expm, 
                     method="FOP", max_episode=100)

Berry et al. [1,2] introduced a famous adaptive scheme in phase estimation. The phase for the \((n+1)\)th round is updated via \(\Phi_{n+1}=\Phi_{n}-(-1)^{y^{(n)}}\Delta \Phi_{n+1}\) with \(y^{(n)}\) the experimental result in the \(n\)th round and \(\Delta\Phi_{n+1}\) the phase difference generated by the proper algorithms. This adaptive scheme can be performed in QuanEstimation via

apt = Adapt_MZI(x, p, rho0)
apt.general()"sharpness", output="phi")
Here x, p, and rho0 are the same with Adapt. target="sharpness" represents the target function for calculating the tunable phase is sharpness, and it can also be set as target="MI" which means the target function is mutual information. The output can be set through output="phi" (default) and output="dphi" representing the phase and phase difference, respectively. Online and offline strategies are both available in the package and the code for calling offline stratege becomes apt.offline(method="DE", **kwargs) or apt.offline(method="PSO", **kwargs).

apt = Adapt_MZI(x, p, rho0)
online(apt, target=:sharpness, output="phi")
Here x, p, and rho0 are the same with Adapt. target=:sharpness represents the target function for calculating the tunable phase is sharpness, and it can also be set as target=:MI which means the target function is mutual information. The output can be set through output="phi" (default) and output="dphi" representing the phase and phase difference, respectively. Online and offline strategies are both available in the package and the code for calling offline stratege becomes alg = QuanEstimation.DE(kwargs...) (alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(kwargs...)) and offline(apt, alg, seed=seed). seed is the random seed which can ensure the reproducibility of results.

If the optimization algorithm is PSO, the keywords and the default values are

kwargs = {"p_num":10, "deltaphi0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], 
          "c0":1.0, "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
The keywords and the default values of PSO can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)**kwargs\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"deltaphi0" [ ]
"max_episode" [1000,100]
"c0" 1.0
"c1" 2.0
"c2" 2.0
"seed" 1234

Here p_num is the number of particles, deltaphi0 represents the initial guesses of phase difference. max_episode accepts both integer and array with two elements. If it is an integer, for example max_episode=1000, it means the program will continuously run 1000 episodes. However, if it is an array, for example max_episode=[1000,100], the program will run 1000 episodes in total but replace the data of all the particles with global best every 100 episodes. c0, c1 and c2 are the PSO parameters representing the inertia weight, cognitive learning factor and social learning factor, respectively.

alg = PSO(p_num=10, ini_particle=missing, max_episode=[1000,100], 
          c0=1.0, c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
The keywords and the default values of PSO can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)keywords\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"ini_particle" missing
"max_episode" [1000,100]
"c0" 1.0
"c1" 2.0
"c2" 2.0

Here p_num is the number of particles, ini_particle represents the initial guesses of phase difference. max_episode accepts both integer and array with two elements. If it is an integer, for example max_episode=1000, it means the program will continuously run 1000 episodes. However, if it is an array, for example max_episode=[1000,100], the program will run 1000 episodes in total but replace the data of all the particles with global best every 100 episodes. c0, c1 and c2 are the PSO parameters representing the inertia weight, cognitive learning factor and social learning factor, respectively.

If the optimization algorithm is DE, the keywords and the default values are

kwargs = {"p_num":10, "deltaphi0":[], "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, 
          "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
The keywords and the default values of DE can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)**kwargs\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"deltaphi0" [ ]
"max_episode" 1000
"c" 1.0
"cr" 0.5
"seed" 1234

p_num and max_episode are the number of populations and training episodes. c and cr are DE parameters representing the mutation and crossover constants, seed is the random seed which can ensure the reproducibility of results.

alg = DE(p_num=10, ini_population=missing, max_episode=1000, 
         c=1.0, cr=0.5)
The keywords and the default values of DE can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)keywords\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"ini_population" missing
"max_episode" 1000
"c" 1.0
"cr" 0.5

ini_population represents the initial guesses of phase difference. p_num and max_episode are the number of populations and training episodes. c and cr are DE parameters representing the mutation and crossover constants.

Example 9.2
In this example, the adaptive measurement shceme is design for the MZI [3,4]. The input state is \begin{align} \sqrt{\frac{2}{N+2}}\sum^{N/2}_{m=-N/2}\sin\left(\frac{(2m+N+2)\pi}{2(N+2)}\right)|m\rangle, \end{align}

where \(N\) is the number of photon, \(|m\rangle\) is the eigenstate of \(J_y\) with the eigenvalue \(m\).

from quanestimation import *
import numpy as np

# the number of photons
N = 8
# probe state
psi = np.zeros((N+1)**2).reshape(-1, 1)
for k in range(N+1):
    psi += np.sin((k+1)*np.pi/(N+2))* \
           np.kron(basis(N+1, k), basis(N+1, N-k))
psi = np.sqrt(2/(2+N))*psi
rho0 =, psi.conj().T)
# prior distribution
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 100)
p = (1.0/(x[-1]-x[0]))*np.ones(len(x))
apt = Adapt_MZI(x, p, rho0)
apt.general()"sharpness", output="phi")
DE_para = {"p_num":10, "deltaphi0":[], "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, 
           "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
apt.offline(target="sharpness", method="DE", **DE_para)
PSO_para = {"p_num":10, "deltaphi0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], 
            "c0":1.0, "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
apt.offline(target="sharpness", method="PSO", **PSO_para)
using QuanEstimation
using SparseArrays

# the number of photons
N = 8
# probe state
psi = sum([sin(k*pi/(N+2))*kron(QuanEstimation.basis(N+1,k), 
      QuanEstimation.basis(N+1, N-k+2)) for k in 1:(N+1)]) |> sparse
psi = psi*sqrt(2/(2+N))
rho0 = psi*psi'
# prior distribution
x = range(-pi, pi, length=100)
p = (1.0/(x[end]-x[1]))*ones(length(x))
apt = QuanEstimation.Adapt_MZI(x, p, rho0), target=:sharpness, output="phi")
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, ini_population=missing, 
                        max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
QuanEstimation.offline(apt, alg, target=:sharpness, seed=1234)
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, ini_particle=missing,  
                         max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
QuanEstimation.offline(apt, alg, target=:sharpness, seed=1234)


[1] D. W. Berry and H. M. Wiseman, Optimal States and Almost Optimal Adaptive Measurements for Quantum Interferometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5098 (2000).

[2] D. W. Berry, H. M. Wiseman, and J. K. Breslin, Optimal input states and feedback for interferometric phase estimation, Phys. Rev. A 63, 053804 (2001).

[3] A. Hentschel and B. C. Sanders, Machine Learning for Precise Quantum Measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 063603 (2010).

[4] A. Hentschel and B. C. Sanders, Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing Adaptive Quantum Metrology Processes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 063603 (2011).