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Comprehensive optimization

In order to obtain the optimal parameter estimation schemes, it is necessary to simultaneously optimize the probe state, control, and measurement. The comprehensive optimization for the probe state and measurement (SM), the probe state and control (SC), the control and measurement (CM) and the probe state, control and measurement (SCM) are proposed in QuanEstiamtion. In the package, the comprehensive optimization algorithms are particle swarm optimization (PSO) [1], differential evolution (DE) [2], and automatic differentiation (AD) [3].

com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **kwargs)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=[], ctrl=[], decay=[], ctrl_bound=[], 
com.SC(W=[], M=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
com.CM(rho0, W=[])

Here savefile means whether to save all the optimized variables (probe states, control coefficients and measurements). If set True then the optimized variables and the values of the objective function obtained in all episodes will be saved during the training, otherwise, the optimized variables in the final episode and the values of the objective function in all episodes will be saved. method represents the optimization algorithm used, options are: "PSO", "DE", and "AD". **kwargs is the keyword and the default value corresponding to the optimization algorithm which will be introduced in detail below.

If the dynamics of the system can be described by the master equation, then the dynamics data tspan, H0, and dH shoule be input. tspan is the time length for the evolution, H0 and dH are the free Hamiltonian and its derivatives on the unknown parameters to be estimated. H0 is a matrix when the free Hamiltonian is time-independent and a list of matrices with the length equal to tspan when it is time-dependent. dH should be input as \([\partial_a{H_0}, \partial_b{H_0}, \cdots]\). Hc and ctrl are two lists represent the control Hamiltonians and the corresponding control coefficients.decay contains decay operators \((\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2, \cdots)\) and the corresponding decay rates \((\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \cdots)\) with the input rule decay=[[\(\Gamma_1\), \(\gamma_1\)], [\(\Gamma_2\), \(\gamma_2\)],...]. The default values for decay, Hc and ctrl are empty which means the dynamics is unitary and only governed by the free Hamiltonian. ctrl_boundis an array with two elements representing the lower and upper bound of the control coefficients, respectively. The default value of ctrl_bound=[] which means the control coefficients are in the regime \([-\infty,\infty]\). dyn_method="expm" represents the method for solving the dynamics is matrix exponential, it can also be set as dyn_method="ode" which means the dynamics (differential equation) is directly solved with the ODE solvers.

QuanEstimation contains four comprehensive optimizations which are com.SM(), com.SC(), com.CM() and com.SCM(). The target in com.SC() can be set as target="QFIM" (default), target="CFIM and target="HCRB for the corresponding objective functions are QFI (\(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{F}^{-1})\)), CFI (\(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{I}^{-1})\)), and HCRB, respectively. Here \(\mathcal{F}\) and \(\mathcal{I}\) are the QFIM and CFIM, \(W\) corresponds to W is the weight matrix which defaults to the identity matrix. If the users set target="HCRB for single parameter scenario, the program will exit and print "Program terminated. In the single-parameter scenario, the HCRB is equivalent to the QFI. Please choose 'QFIM' as the objective function". LDtype represents the types of the QFIM, it can be set as LDtype="SLD" (default), LDtype="RLD", and LDtype="LLD". For the other three scenarios, the objective function is CFI (\(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{I}^{-1})\)).

opt = SMopt(psi=psi, M=M, seed=1234)
alg = DE(kwargs...)
dynamics = Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH; Hc=missing, ctrl=missing, 
                    decay=missing, dyn_method=:Expm)  
obj = CFIM_obj(W=missing)
run(opt, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
opt = SCopt(psi=psi, ctrl=ctrl, ctrl_bound=ctrl_bound, seed=1234)
alg = DE(kwargs...)
dynamics = Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc; decay=missing, 
obj = QFIM_obj(W=missing, LDtype=:SLD)
obj = CFIM_obj(W=missing)
obj = HCRB_obj(W=missing)
run(opt, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
opt = CMopt(ctrl=ctrl, M=M, ctrl_bound=ctrl_bound, seed=1234)
alg = DE(kwargs...)
dynamics = Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc; decay=missing,
obj = CFIM_obj(W=missing)
run(opt, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
opt = SCMopt(psi=psi, ctrl=ctrl, M=M, ctrl_bound=ctrl_bound, seed=1234)
alg = DE(kwargs...)
dynamics = Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc; decay=missing, 
obj = CFIM_obj(W=missing)
run(opt, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)

QuanEstimation contains four comprehensive optimizations which are SMopt(), SCopt(), CMopt(), and SCMopt(). The optimization variables including initial state, control, and measurement can be input via ctrl=ctrl, psi=psi, and M=M for constructing a comprehensive optimization problem. Here, ctrl is a list of arrays with the length equal to control Hamiltonians, psi is an array representing the state and M is a list of arrays with the length equal to the dimension of the system which representing the projective measurement basis. Besides, the boundary value of each control coefficients can be input via ctrl_bound=ctrl_bound when the optimized variable contains control. ctrl_bound is an array with two elements representing the lower and upper bound of the control coefficients, respectively. The default value of ctrl_bound= missing which means the control coefficients are in the regime \([-\infty,\infty]\). seed is the random seed which can ensure the reproducibility of results.

The objective function of SCopt() can be chosen as QFIM_obj() (default), CFIM_obj(), and HCRB_obj() for the corresponding objective functions are QFI (\(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{F}^ {-1})\)), CFI (\(\mathrm{Tr}(W\mathcal{I}^{-1})\)), and HCRB, respectively. Here \(\mathcal{F}\) and \(\mathcal{I}\) are the QFIM and CFIM, \(W\) corresponds to W is the weight matrix which defaults to the identity matrix. If the users set HCRB_obj() for single parameter scenario, the program will exit and print "Program terminated. In the single-parameter scenario, the HCRB is equivalent to the QFI. Please choose 'QFIM_obj()' as the objective function". LDtype represents the types of the QFIM, it can be set as LDtype=:SLD (default), LDtype=:RLD, and LDtype=:LLD. For the other three scenarios, the objective function is CFIM_obj().

If the dynamics of the system can be described by the master equation, then the dynamics data tspan, H0, and dH shoule be input. tspan is the time length for the evolution, H0 and dH are the free Hamiltonian and its derivatives on the unknown parameters to be estimated. H0 is a matrix when the free Hamiltonian is time-independent and a list of matrices with the length equal to tspan when it is time-dependent. dH should be input as \([\partial_a{H_0}, \partial_b{H_0}, \cdots]\). Hc and ctrl are two lists represent the control Hamiltonians and the corresponding control coefficients.decay contains decay operators \((\Gamma_1, \Gamma_2, \cdots)\) and the corresponding decay rates \((\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \cdots)\) with the input rule decay=[[\(\Gamma_1\), \(\gamma_1\)], [\(\Gamma_2\), \(\gamma_2\)],...]. dyn_method=:Expm represents the method for solving the dynamics is matrix exponential, it can also be set as dyn_method=:Ode which means the dynamics (differential equation) is directly solved with the ODE solvers.

The variable savefile means whether to save all the optimized variables (probe states, control coefficients, and measurements). If set true then the optimized variables and the values of the objective function obtained in all episodes will be saved during the training, otherwise, the optimized variables in the final episode and the values of the objective function in all episodes will be saved. The algorithm used in QuanEstimation for comprehensive optimizaiton are PSO, DE, and AD. kwargs... is the keywords and the default values corresponding to the optimization algorithm which will be introduced in detail below.


The code for comprehensive optimization with PSO is as follows

com = ComprehensiveOpt(method="PSO", **kwargs)
where kwargs is of the form
kwargs = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], 
          "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, 
The keywords and the default values of PSO can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)**kwargs\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"psi0" [ ]
"ctrl0" [ ]
"measurement0" [ ]
"max_episode" [1000,100]
"c0" 1.0
"c1" 2.0
"c2" 2.0
"seed" 1234

psi0, ctrl0, and measurement0 in the algorithms represent the initial guesses of states, control coefficients and measurements, respectively, seed is the random seed. Here p_num is the number of particles, c0, c1, and c2 are the PSO parameters representing the inertia weight, cognitive learning factor, and social learning factor, respectively. max_episode accepts both integers and arrays with two elements. If it is an integer, for example max_episode=1000, it means the program will continuously run 1000 episodes. However, if it is an array, for example max_episode=[1000,100], the program will run 1000 episodes in total but replace control coefficients of all the particles with global best every 100 episodes.

alg = PSO(p_num=10, ini_particle=missing, max_episode=[1000,100], 
          c0=1.0, c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
The keywords and the default values of PSO can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)keywords\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"ini_particle" missing
"max_episode" [1000,100]
"c0" 1.0
"c1" 2.0
"c2" 2.0

ini_particleis a tuple contains psi0, ctrl0, and measurement0, which representing the initial guesses of states, control coefficients, and measurements, respectively. The input rule of ini_particle shoule be ini_particle=(psi0, measurement0)(SM), ini_particle=(psi0, ctrl0)(SC), ini_particle=(ctrl0, measurement0)(CM) and ini_particle=(psi0, ctrl0, measurement0)(SCM). Here p_num is the number of particles, c0, c1, and c2 are the PSO parameters representing the inertia weight, cognitive learning factor, and social learning factor, respectively. max_episode accepts both integers and arrays with two elements. If it is an integer, for example max_episode=1000, it means the program will continuously run 1000 episodes. However, if it is an array, for example max_episode=[1000,100], the program will run 1000 episodes in total but replace control coefficients of all the particles with global best every 100 episodes.


The code for comprehensive optimization with DE is as follows

com = ComprehensiveOpt(method="DE", **kwargs)
where kwargs is of the form
kwargs = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], 
          "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
The keywords and the default values of DE can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)**kwargs\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"psi0" [ ]
"ctrl0" [ ]
"measurement0" [ ]
"max_episode" 1000
"c" 1.0
"cr" 0.5
"seed" 1234

p_num is the number of populations. Here max_episode is an integer representing the number of episodes. c and cr are constants for mutation and crossover.

alg = DE(p_num=10, ini_population=missing, max_episode=1000, 
         c=1.0, cr=0.5)
The keywords and the default values of DE can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)keywords\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"p_num" 10
"ini_population" missing
"max_episode" 1000
"c" 1.0
"cr" 0.5

Here max_episode is an integer representing the number of episodes. p_num represents the number of populations. c and cr are constants for mutation and crossover. ini_particleis a tuple contains psi0, ctrl0, and measurement0, which representing the initial guesses of states, control coefficients, and measurements, respectively. The input rule of ini_particle shoule be ini_particle=(psi0, measurement0)(SM), ini_particle=(psi0, ctrl0)(SC), ini_particle=(ctrl0, measurement0)(CM), and
ini_particle=(psi0, ctrl0, measurement0)(SCM).

The code for comprehensive optimization with AD is as follows

com = ComprehensiveOpt(method="AD", **kwargs)
where kwargs is of the form
kwargs = {"Adam":True, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[],
          "max_episode":300, "epsilon":0.01, "beta1":0.90, "beta2":0.99}
The keywords and the default values of AD can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)**kwargs\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"Adam" False
"psi0" [ ]
"ctrl0" [ ]
"measurement0" [ ]
"max_episode" 300
"epsilon" 0.01
"beta1" 0.90
"beta2" 0.99

The optimized variables will update according to the learning rate "epsilon" when Adam=False. However, If Adam=True, Adam algorithm will be used and the Adam parameters include learning rate, the exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates and the second moment estimates can be set by the user via epsilon, beta1 and beta2.

alg = AD(Adam=false, max_episode=300, epsilon=0.01, beta1=0.90, 
The keywords and the default values of AD can be seen in the following table

\(~~~~~~~~~~\)keywords\(~~~~~~~~~~\) \(~~~~\)default values\(~~~~\)
"Adam" false
"max_episode" 300
"epsilon" 0.01
"beta1" 0.90
"beta2" 0.99

The optimized variables will update according to the learning rate "epsilon" when Adam=false. However, If Adam=true, Adam algorithm will be used and the Adam parameters include learning rate, the exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates, and the second moment estimates can be set by the user via epsilon, beta1, and beta2.

Example 8.1
A single qubit system whose free evolution Hamiltonian is \(H_0 = \frac{1}{2}\omega \sigma_3\) with \(\omega\) the frequency and \(\sigma_3\) a Pauli matrix. The dynamics of the system is governed by

\[\begin{align} \partial_t\rho=-i[H_0, \rho]+ \gamma_{+}\left(\sigma_{+}\rho\sigma_{-}-\frac{1}{2}\{\sigma_{-}\sigma_{+},\rho\}\right)+ \gamma_{-}\left(\sigma_{-}\rho\sigma_{+}-\frac{1}{2}\{\sigma_{+}\sigma_{-},\rho\}\right), \end{align}\]

where \(\gamma_{+}\), \(\gamma_{-}\) are decay rates and \(\sigma_{\pm}=(\sigma_1 \pm \sigma_2)/2\). The control Hamiltonian \begin{align} H_\mathrm{c}=u_1(t)\sigma_1+u_2(t)\sigma_2+u_3(t)\sigma_3 \end{align}

with \(u_i(t)\) \((i=1,2,3)\) the control field. Here \(\sigma_{1}\), \(\sigma_{2}\) are also Pauli matrices.

In this case, we consider two types of comprehensive optimization, the first one is optimization of probe state and control (SC), and the other is optimization of probe state, control and measurement (SCM). QFI is taken as the target function for SC and CFI for SCM.

from quanestimation import *
import numpy as np

# initial state
rho0 = 0.5*np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
# free Hamiltonian
omega = 1.0
sx = np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]])
sy = np.array([[0., -1.j], [1.j, 0.]]) 
sz = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]])
H0 = 0.5*omega*sz
# derivative of the free Hamiltonian on omega
dH = [0.5*sz]
# control Hamiltonians 
Hc = [sx,sy,sz]
# dissipation
sp = np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]])  
sm = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]]) 
decay = [[sp, 0.], [sm, 0.1]]
# measurement
M1 = 0.5*np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
M2 = 0.5*np.array([[1., -1.], [-1., 1.]])
M = [M1, M2]
M_num = 2
# time length for the evolution
tspan = np.linspace(0., 10., 2500)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, dyn_method="expm")
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, dyn_method="expm")
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: AD
AD_paras = {"Adam":False, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":300, "epsilon":0.01, "beta1":0.90, "beta2":0.99}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="AD", **AD_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
using QuanEstimation
using DelimitedFiles

# initial state
rho0 = 0.5*ones(2, 2)
# free Hamiltonian
omega = 1.0
sx = [0. 1.; 1. 0.0im]
sy = [0. -im; im 0.]
sz = [1. 0.0im; 0. -1.]
H0 = 0.5*omega*sz
# derivative of the free Hamiltonian on omega
dH = [0.5*sz]
# control Hamiltonians 
Hc = [sx, sy, sz]
# dissipation
sp = [0. 1.; 0. 0.0im]
sm = [0. 0.; 1. 0.0im]
decay = [[sp, 0.0], [sm, 0.1]]
# measurement
M1 = 0.5*[1.0+0.0im  1.; 1.  1.]
M2 = 0.5*[1.0+0.0im -1.; -1.  1.]
M = [M1, M2]
M_num = 2
# time length for the evolution
tspan = range(0., 10., length=2500)
opt = QuanEstimation.SMopt(seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5) 
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M)
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
opt = QuanEstimation.SCopt(ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: QFI
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj()
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: QFI
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: AD
alg = QuanEstimation.AD(Adam=true, max_episode=300, epsilon=0.01, 
                        beta1=0.90, beta2=0.99)
# objective function: QFI
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
opt = QuanEstimation.CMopt(ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)  
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, rho0, H0, dH, Hc,   
                                   decay=decay, dyn_method=:Expm) 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, rho0, H0, dH, Hc,  
                                   decay=decay, dyn_method=:Expm)  
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
opt = QuanEstimation.SCMopt(ctrl_bound=[-2.0,2.0], seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5) 
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0) 
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M)
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]

Example 8.2
The Hamiltonian of a controlled system can be written as \begin{align} H = H_0(\textbf{x})+\sum_{k=1}^K u_k(t) H_k, \end{align}

where \(H_0(\textbf{x})\) is the free evolution Hamiltonian with unknown parameters \(\textbf{x}\) and \(H_k\) represents the \(k\)th control Hamiltonian with \(u_k\) the correspong control coefficient.

In the multiparameter scenario, the dynamics of electron and nuclear coupling in NV\(^{-}\) can be expressed as \begin{align} \partial_t\rho=-i[H_0+H_{\mathrm{c}},\rho]+\frac{\gamma}{2}(S_3\rho S_3-S^2_3\rho-\rho S^2_3) \end{align}

with \(\gamma\) the dephasing rate. And \begin{align} H_0/\hbar=DS^2_3+g_{\mathrm{S}}\vec{B}\cdot\vec{S}+g_{\mathrm{I}}\vec{B}\cdot\vec{I}+\vec{S}^{\,\mathrm{T}}\mathcal{A}\vec{I} \end{align}

is the free evolution Hamiltonian, where \(\vec{S}=(S_1,S_2,S_3)^{\mathrm{T}}\) and \(\vec{I}=(I_1,I_2,I_3)^{\mathrm{T}}\) with \(S_i=s_i\otimes I\) and \(I_i=I\otimes \sigma_i\) (\(i=1,2,3\)) the electron and nuclear operators. \(\mathcal{A}=\mathrm{diag} (A_1,A_1,A_2)\) is the hyperfine tensor with \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) the axial and transverse magnetic hyperfine coupling coefficients. The coefficients \(g_{\mathrm{S}}=g_\mathrm{e}\mu_\mathrm{B}/\hbar\) and \(g_{\mathrm{I}}=g_\mathrm{n}\mu_\mathrm{n}/\hbar\), where \(g_\mathrm{e}\) (\(g_\mathrm{n}\)) is the \(g\) factor of the electron (nuclear), \(\mu_\mathrm{B}\) (\(\mu_\mathrm{n}\)) is the Bohr (nuclear) magneton, and \(\hbar\) is the Plank's constant. \(\vec{B}\) is the magnetic field which be estimated. The control Hamiltonian is \begin{align} H_{\mathrm{c}}/\hbar=\sum^3_{i=1}\Omega_i(t)S_i \end{align}

with \(\Omega_i(t)\) the time-dependent Rabi frequency.

In this case, the initial state is taken as \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|1\rangle+|\!-\!1\rangle)\otimes|\!\!\uparrow\rangle\), where \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|1\rangle+|\!-\!1\rangle)\) is an electron state with \(|1\rangle\) \((|\!-\!1\rangle)\) the eigenstate of \(s_3\) with respect to the eigenvalue \(1\) (\(-1\)). \(|\!\!\uparrow\rangle\) is a nuclear state and the eigenstate of \(\sigma_3\) with respect to the eigenvalue 1. \(W\) is set to be identity.

from quanestimation import *
import numpy as np

# initial state
rho0 = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.complex128)
rho0[0][0], rho0[0][4], rho0[4][0], rho0[4][4] = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
# free Hamiltonian
sx = np.array([[0., 1.],[1., 0.]])
sy = np.array([[0., -1.j],[1.j, 0.]]) 
sz = np.array([[1., 0.],[0., -1.]])
ide2 = np.array([[1., 0.],[0., 1.]])
s1 = np.array([[0., 1., 0.],[1., 0., 1.],[0., 1., 0.]])/np.sqrt(2)
s2 = np.array([[0., -1.j, 0.],[1.j, 0., -1.j],[0., 1.j, 0.]])/np.sqrt(2)
s3 = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., -1.]])
ide3 = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],[0., 1., 0.],[0., 0., 1.]])
I1, I2, I3 = np.kron(ide3, sx), np.kron(ide3, sy), np.kron(ide3, sz)
S1, S2, S3 = np.kron(s1, ide2), np.kron(s2, ide2), np.kron(s3, ide2)
B1, B2, B3 = 5.0e-4, 5.0e-4, 5.0e-4
# All numbers are divided by 100 in this example 
# for better calculation accurancy
cons = 100
D = (2*np.pi*2.87*1000)/cons
gS = (2*np.pi*28.03*1000)/cons
gI = (2*np.pi*4.32)/cons
A1 = (2*np.pi*3.65)/cons
A2 = (2*np.pi*3.03)/cons
H0 = D*np.kron(, s3), ide2) + gS*(B1*S1+B2*S2+B3*S3) \
     + gI*(B1*I1+B2*I2+B3*I3) + A1*(np.kron(s1, sx) + np.kron(s2, sy)) \
     + A2*np.kron(s3, sz)
# derivatives of the free Hamiltonian on B1, B2, and B3
dH = [gS*S1+gI*I1, gS*S2+gI*I2, gS*S3+gI*I3]
# control Hamiltonians 
Hc = [S1, S2, S3]
# dissipation
decay = [[S3,2*np.pi/cons]]  
# measurement
dim = len(rho0)
M_num = dim
M = [, i), basis(dim, i).conj().T) for i in range(dim)]
# time length for the evolution
tspan = np.linspace(0., 2., 4000)
# guessed control coefficients
cnum = 10
ctrl0 = -0.2*np.ones((len(Hc), cnum))
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, dyn_method="expm")
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, dyn_method="expm")
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl=[ctrl0], \
             ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], dyn_method="expm")
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# objective function: HCRB
com.SC(W=[], target="HCRB")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl=[ctrl0], \
             ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], dyn_method="expm")
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# objective function: HCRB
com.SC(W=[], target="HCRB")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: AD
AD_paras = {"Adam":False, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":300, "epsilon":0.01, "beta1":0.90, "beta2":0.99}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="AD", **AD_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl=[ctrl0], \
             ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], dyn_method="expm")
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], target="QFIM", LDtype="SLD")
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
com.SC(W=[], M=M, target="CFIM")
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], \  
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.dynamics(tspan, H0, dH, Hc=Hc, decay=decay, ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], \
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, M_num)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
using QuanEstimation
using LinearAlgebra
using DelimitedFiles

# initial state
rho0 = zeros(ComplexF64, 6, 6)
rho0[1:4:5, 1:4:5] .= 0.5
# free Hamiltonian
sx = [0. 1.; 1. 0.]
sy = [0. -im; im 0.]
sz = [1. 0.; 0. -1.]
s1 = [0. 1. 0.; 1. 0. 1.; 0. 1. 0.]/sqrt(2)
s2 = [0. -im 0.; im 0. -im; 0. im 0.]/sqrt(2)
s3 = [1. 0. 0.; 0. 0. 0.; 0. 0. -1.]
Is = I1, I2, I3 = [kron(I(3), sx), kron(I(3), sy), kron(I(3), sz)]
S = S1, S2, S3 = [kron(s1, I(2)), kron(s2, I(2)), kron(s3, I(2))]
B = B1, B2, B3 = [5.0e-4, 5.0e-4, 5.0e-4]
# All numbers are divided by 100 in this example 
# for better calculation accurancy
cons = 100
D = (2pi*2.87*1000)/cons
gS = (2pi*28.03*1000)/cons
gI = (2pi*4.32)/cons
A1 = (2pi*3.65)/cons
A2 = (2pi*3.03)/cons
H0 = sum([D*kron(s3^2, I(2)), sum(gS*B.*S), sum(gI*B.*Is),
          A1*(kron(s1, sx) + kron(s2, sy)), A2*kron(s3, sz)])
# derivatives of the free Hamiltonian on B1, B2 and B3
dH = gS*S+gI*Is
# control Hamiltonians 
Hc = [S1, S2, S3]
# dissipation
decay = [[S3, 2pi/cons]]
# measurement
dim = size(rho0, 1)
M_num = dim
M = [QuanEstimation.basis(dim, i)*QuanEstimation.basis(dim, i)' 
     for i in 1:dim]
# time length for the evolution
tspan = range(0., 2., length=4000)
# guessed control coefficients
cnum = 10
ctrl = -0.2*ones((length(Hc), cnum))
# guessed measurements
C = [QuanEstimation.basis(dim, i) for i in 1:dim]
opt = QuanEstimation.SMopt(seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0) 
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
opt = QuanEstimation.SCopt(ctrl_bound=[-0.2,0.2], seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: HCRB
obj = QuanEstimation.HCRB_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0) 
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# objective function: HCRB
obj = QuanEstimation.HCRB_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: AD
alg = QuanEstimation.AD(Adam=true, max_episode=300, epsilon=0.01, 
                        beta1=0.90, beta2=0.99)
# objective function: tr(WF^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.QFIM_obj()
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false) 
# objective function: tr(WI^{-1})
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj(M=M) 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
opt = QuanEstimation.CMopt(seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj()
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, rho0, H0, dH, Hc,  
                                   decay=decay, dyn_method=:Expm)    
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, rho0, H0, dH, Hc, 
                                   decay=decay, dyn_method=:Expm)  
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
opt = QuanEstimation.SCMopt(seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                         c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Lindblad(opt, tspan, H0, dH, Hc, decay=decay, 
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]

For optimization of probe state and measurement, the parameterization can also be implemented with the Kraus operators which can be realized by

com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **kwargs)
com.Kraus(K, dK)
opt = SMopt(psi=psi, M=M, seed=1234)
alg = DE(kwargs...)
dynamics = Kraus(opt, K, dK) 
obj = CFIM_obj(W=missing)
run(opt, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)

where K and dK are the Kraus operators and its derivatives with respect to the unknown parameters.

Example 8.3
The Kraus operators for the amplitude damping channel are

\[\begin{eqnarray} K_1 = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \sqrt{1-\gamma} \end{array}\right), K_2 = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & \sqrt{\gamma} \\ 0 & 0 \end{array}\right), \nonumber \end{eqnarray}\]

where \(\gamma\) is the unknown parameter to be estimated which represents the decay probability. In this example, the probe state is taken as \(|+\rangle\langle+|\) with \(|+\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+|1\rangle)\). Here \(|0\rangle\) \((|1\rangle)\) is the eigenstate of \(\sigma_3\) (Pauli matrix) with respect to the eigenvalue \(1\) \((-1)\).

from quanestimation import *
import numpy as np

# initial state
rho0 = 0.5*np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]])
# Kraus operators for the amplitude damping channel
gamma = 0.1
K1 = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., np.sqrt(1-gamma)]])
K2 = np.array([[0., np.sqrt(gamma)], [0., 0.]])
K = [K1, K2]
# derivatives of Kraus operators on gamma
dK1 = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -0.5/np.sqrt(1-gamma)]])
dK2 = np.array([[0., 0.5/np.sqrt(gamma)], [0., 0.]])
dK = [[dK1], [dK2]]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
DE_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], "measurement0":[], \
            "max_episode":1000, "c":1.0, "cr":0.5, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="DE", **DE_paras)
com.Kraus(K, dK)
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, 2)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
PSO_paras = {"p_num":10, "psi0":[], "ctrl0":[], \
             "measurement0":[], "max_episode":[1000,100], "c0":1.0, \
             "c1":2.0, "c2":2.0, "seed":1234}
com = ComprehensiveOpt(savefile=False, method="PSO", **PSO_paras)
com.Kraus(K, dK)
# convert the ".csv" file to the ".npy" file
M_ = np.loadtxt("measurements.csv", dtype=np.complex128)
csv2npy_measurements(M_, 2)
# load the measurements
M = np.load("measurements.npy")[-1]
using QuanEstimation
using DelimitedFiles

# initial state
rho0 = 0.5*ones(2, 2)
# Kraus operators for the amplitude damping channel
gamma = 0.1
K1 = [1. 0.; 0. sqrt(1-gamma)]
K2 = [0. sqrt(gamma); 0. 0.]
K = [K1, K2]
# derivatives of Kraus operators on gamma
dK1 = [1. 0.; 0. -0.5/sqrt(1-gamma)]
dK2 = [0. 0.5/sqrt(gamma); 0. 0.]
dK = [[dK1], [dK2]]
# comprehensive optimization 
M_num = 2
opt = QuanEstimation.SMopt(seed=1234)
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: DE
alg = QuanEstimation.DE(p_num=10, max_episode=1000, c=1.0, cr=0.5)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Kraus(opt, K, dK)  
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]
# comprehensive optimization algorithm: PSO
alg = QuanEstimation.PSO(p_num=10, max_episode=[1000,100], c0=1.0, 
                             c1=2.0, c2=2.0)
# objective function: CFI
obj = QuanEstimation.CFIM_obj() 
# input the dynamics data
dynamics = QuanEstimation.Kraus(opt, K, dK)   
# run the comprehensive optimization problem, alg, obj, dynamics; savefile=false)
# convert the flattened data into a list of matrix
M_ = readdlm("measurements.csv",'\t', Complex{Float64})
M = [[reshape(M_[i,:], dim, dim) for i in 1:M_num] 
    for j in 1:Int(length(M_[:,1])/M_num)][end]


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